
PAP stains for cytology

Tags: Pathology
Inter Medico manufactures our own line of Papanicolaou Stains which are used for examining exfoliated cells in secretions, exudates, transudates or scrapings of various internal organs and tissue. Cells are fixed to a slide and stained first with Hematoxylin, which stains the nuclei followed by OG-6 and EA-50 or EA-65 as a counterstain.

Catalogue of products:
EA-50 Multiple Polychrome Stain 1000mL Catalogue # IMEA50
EA-65 Multiple Polychrome Stain 1000mL Catalogue # IMEA65
OG-6 Orange G Stain 1000mL Catalogue # IMOG6
Harris Hematoxylin 1000mL Catalogue # IMHARRISHX

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