ELITech Excyte ESR Analyzers

With up to 20 tube positions and a 30-minute test time, Excyte® analyzers can performs up to 40 sed rate tests per hour. Plus, with features like positive sample identification, onboard mixing and closed tube testing, the Excyte® analyzer makes your sed rates and quality control easier to run and provides increased safety for your laboratory staff.
The built-in printer automatically prints patient and QC results after each test is complete, eliminating the possibility of transcription errors. You can also print all stored tests and QC data. On-board mixing provides a more consistent mix and eliminates transfer time from an external mixer to the analyzer, which increases reliability of results while saving time. The Excyte® Mini Analyzer has a capacity of 10 samples providing your laboratory the capability of performing up to 20 sed rates per hour. The Excyte® Mini is designed for smaller laboratories running less than 10 sed rates per day. On-board mixing is not available on this unit. An optional tube mixer, thermal printer and barcode scanner are available as separate items.