Immunohistochemistry animal detection
Biocare’s PromARK micro-polymer detection systems are designed specifically for use on a variety of animal tissues. The micro-polymer technology provides superior sensitivity and minimum cross-reactivity to endogenous mouse and rat IgG. The Promark product line includes specially formulated heat-retrieval solutions, blocking agents, and one- and two-step detection reagents.
– High staining sensitivity and specificity
– Minimum cross-reactivity to endogenous IgG with proprietary blocking reagents
– Elimination of endogenous biotin
– Reduced number of IHC steps
– Use with formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues, floating sections, frozen sections and cell culture preparations
– Highly effective ancillary reagents
– Suitable for both manual and automated techniques
Animal tissues contain endogenous immunoglobulins that produce significantly high levels of background staining when standard anti-mouse/anti-rabbit detection systems are employed. Biocare provides micro-polymer detection systems for use with primary antibodies from various sources (mouse, rat, rabbit, goat) on a range of tissues (mouse, rat, canine, feline, bovine, equine, porcine, ovine) which result in reduced background staining and higher sensitivity.